Inspired by the elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, these mists were created to be used in my Kinesiology and Reiki sessions, however can be used by anyone, at any time!
Each mist is made with specifically selected essential oils, gem elixirs and flower essences, to reflect their purpose. Each flower essence is individually made with locally grown and sourced flowers by Rosewood Healing. The gem elixirs are also individually made by Rosewood Healing.
Available mists:
Clear and Grounded: To clear yourself and rooms of unwanted energy and density. Brings about deep grounding.
Fire: For release of dis-harmonies. Brings in warmth and radiance.
Earth: For release of excess sympathy and worry. Brings in clarity and intellect.
Metal: For release of grief and guilt. Brings in perception and positivity.
Water: For release of fear and anxiety. Brings in openness and love.
Wood: For removal of obstacles. Brings in kindness and enthusiasm.
To use the mists, simply spray over your body or throughout a room.
Each mist also has an affirmation to augment the spray for your complete vibrational benefit.
You are able to purchase these sprays by contacting me directly, through selected Kinesiologists, Rose Quartz Ocean Grove,
Zero Point Yoga Drysdale and Ocean Grove,
and Happy Herbs Belmont.
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